Das Thema Kooperation gehört zu meiner Kernkompetenz und ist ein zentrales Lebensthema. In der nomadischen Familie in der Mongolei habe ich die Essenz von Kooperation erlebt; Kooperation als Überlebensprinzip.
Nach mehreren ausführlichen Reisen durch die Mongolei bin ich den Gründer*innen der demokratischen Genossenschaftsbegegnung in der Mongolei begegnet. Daraus hat sich dieses Projekt entwickelt. Es hat mich nachhaltig inspiriert, mich mit innovativen Genossenschaften zu befassen.
Artikel über das Projekt in den OEAD News, Oktober 2015: OEAD News Kooperation als Überlebensprinzip
Leadership and Organizational Development – Building Strategic Alliances
Following the funding of the project “Leadership and Organizational Development – Building Strategic Alliances” by the KEF of the OEAD in June 2013, the teams of the Institute of Organizational Development, the National Academy of Governance together with the Mongolian National Cooperative Association and the Mongolian Cooperative Training and Information Center (MCTIC) started to implement the project both in research and practice in September 2013.
The project goal focused on developing and strengthening cooperatives and the building of new structures of cooperatives, partnership, a strategic network meeting, considering the further developments of the cooperatives as well as the future market challenges.
Additionally to education and qualification of cooperative managers, officials, and trainers, the project’s goal was to optimize the existing organizational structures and to increase the efficiency of cooperation between the various organizations of the cooperatives. The project was designed as a research project. The project was set up as an intervention study, which means that the trainings were part of the field research, to increase its efficiency factor, and to enable the study of organization developing impulses. This way it was possible to work on the development topics with the target group in the trainings during the research project, and the results of the research process contributed to that task.